Corporate Renewable Power

Brands and supply chains

Market intelligence and access to new products

With increasing demand from eco-conscious consumers, more and more businesses are committing to use renewable energy. Good for the planet, good for consumers, and great for marketing. But often, terrible for facility operators.

Procurement options, prices, and laws vary widely from country to country. This makes it challenging to evaluate near term procurement options, let alone mid-term planning at the regional level. Adding to the complexity, reporting frameworks like RE100 and CDP often shift rules—like acceptable market boundaries and procurement structures—to keep up with a market in flux.

Without clear guidance, corporates and their supply chains make honest mistakes…often. They use RECs from the wrong countries, buy clean power without the legal right to report its consumption, and of course, waste time unpacking complex market dynamics.

SuSca Group cuts through the confusion. Whether supporting coordination across supply chains or building in-house capacity to evaluate procurement options, SuSca Group provides clear guidance to make an opaque market crystal clear.

With market intelligence reports, SuSca Group maps out current procurement options against downstream market risks—bringing global, regional, and country teams together to solve complex challenges. We recognize that supply chain sustainability and Scope 3 reporting are some of the most complex puzzles out there, and are working with some of the worlds largest brands to develop new solutions in this exciting space.

Accessing Renewable Electricity Products in Asia

Understand your options and connect with the best solutions
Corporate sustainability goes far beyond unbundled RECs. Electricity buyers have access to a range of different options, including unbundled RECs, bundled green tariffs, self-production, and power purchase agreements. The options vary by country and year.

If managed well, clean power procurement helps organizations future proof against policy changes, shift public perceptions, and achieve international commitments. It can also lower electricity costs against grid prices, and hedge against price fluctuations.

If managed poorly, “greening” a company increases operating costs and harms public perception. Making good decisions is contingent on market knowledge and unified implementation plans. But very few brands know how to bridge knowledge gaps between headquarters and field offices, which leads to broken sustainability management.

SuSca Group focuses on linking global ambition with local action. We work with headquarters to define objectives while helping country and regional offices implement solutions. That includes showing domestic stakeholders what their options are—country-by-country and year-by-year—and putting them in touch with the right solution providers on the ground.

SuSca helps make sense out of a confusing market by mapping out which options are available in each country, how to access them, and how to ensure the preferred options meet all necessary requirements, including CDP, RE100, and SBTi procurement requirements.

Managing certificates and reporting

Answers to the questions your team should be asking

Developing a robust sustainability strategy in line RE100, the Science Based Targets Initiative, or Race to Zero requires a deep understanding of the which environmental commodities satisfy reporting requirements, and how they can be used.

Buying environmental commodities does not necessarily mean a brand has met its reporting obligations. RECs, carbon credits, blockchain power tracking, and emerging tools all have their place in sustainability frameworks, but their optimal (or even acceptable) use varies by sector, commitment, country, and region.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Scope 2 reporting has tons of rules and plenty of fine print.

Corporations are increasingly setting and working on environmental targets. But while RECs procurement and carbon accounting often takes place in company headquarters or regional offices, the hands-on tasks related to procuring renewable electricity and RECs are usually delegated to local teams.

This additional workload results in ineffective processes regarding coordinating procurement, monitoring progress, and delivering impacts through corporate climate action.

SuSca Group is not a broker. We work with market operators and the public sector to establish rules on how commodities are produced, managed, and used. That enables us to deliver unbiased advice on which instruments are high and low risk, in which countries, and on how to use them for corporate sustainability reporting.

We help brands understand how to manage sustainability reporting on a national, regional, and corporate level, in line with specific reporting frameworks and corporate objectives. This includes delivering market intelligence reports and tailor-made trainings for headquarters, field offices, and supply chain stakeholders.

Brands that use our knowledge products walk away with a clear understanding of how to manage their reporting, who needs to do what, and when.

Solving Supply Chain Challenges

Overcome the Scope 3 challenge

When brands commit to “going green” they tend to bring their supply chains along with them. Supply chain decarbonization is essential for climate impacts at scale. It is also among the most complex challenges in the industry.

Brand-level support for supply chain decarbonization is essential, but often mismanaged.

We’ve seen excellent corporate support, like pooled clean energy procurement and solar rooftop financing models. We’ve also witnessed crude emails to the effect of “ALL SUPPLIERS MUST CONSUME ONLY RENEWABLE POWER BY 2043”.

Effective change management is the key to supply chain solutions. This always starts with a conversation.

SuSca Group understands the different challenges faced by brands and their suppliers. On the brand-side, the question is often “How to encourage decarbonization”; and on the supply-side, questions tend to focus on “How much will it cost, and how to do it”?

SuSca Group is a trusted implementation partner for bridging gaps between corporate ambition and supply chain achievements.

Each supply chain stakeholder has a unique set of options when it comes to reducing emissions. And at the same time, each brand is willing to provide varying levels of support. We bring diverse opinions together to secure deep supply chain decarbonization.